Oct 16, 2019
What is our life about? Is it about us or is it about the glory of God? The last words of a dying individual are often a window into that person’s heart and soul. David’s final charge to his son, Solomon, serves as a lesson for parents in raising their children. Are we looking for our own self-interest or are we looking out for the interests of our children and for the glory of God? At the end of this message, Zane answers the question, “How can we account for the fact that a great man like David could have had character failures like this?” Other passages mentioned include: 1 Kings 1; 2 Samuel 11-12; 2 Samuel 21:1-9; Deuteronomy 24:16; 2 Samuel 16:5-13; 2 Samuel 19:15-23; Ephesians 2:8-9.