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Zane Hodges Library

Jul 18, 2020

Athaliah, the daughter of King Ahab and the mother of the recently deceased King Ahaziah, steals the throne of the kingdom of Judah from the sons of David.  The theft of power is a widespread human sin, that also happens in the Christian church.  However Jehosheba, sister of King Ahaziah, in compassion hides the baby...

Jul 13, 2020

Jehu fulfills the word of God, because he destroys the house of Ahab. However, Jehu goes too far in acting deceptively in destroying Baal from Israel. You cannot serve the God of truth by telling lies. Later, Jehu does not go far enough by allowing the golden calves to remain. If we have the nerve to add to the word...

Jun 28, 2020

God’s newly appointed king of Israel, Jehu, ignores the difficulties and pain and focuses on doing the word of God.  Sometimes we know what God wants us to do, but we don’t want to do it because we are afraid of the pain. The solution is that we should ignore the pain and do what the word of God teaches.  Other...

Jun 17, 2020

Over and over in the northern kingdom of Israel, men have seized the kingship, but now God is going to match the kingship with the man that God has chosen. God wants to match each believer in Jesus Christ with the kind of work that He wants that believer to do. Does God lead us by our feelings? Never once, does the...

Jun 14, 2020

In this passage, we see the contrast between Gehazi and the Shunammite woman.  Gehazi’s greed causes him to lose opportunities to serve God, that he will never find again. The Shunammite woman’s obedience to God leads her to recover everything that she has lost.  If you lose it, will you find it again? You will find...