Jul 4, 2020
In this passage, we see how the apostle Paul values his Roman citizenship. Is it appropriate for a Christian to be patriotic for his country? How should patriotism affect us? What should patriotism lead us to think and do?
Nov 3, 2018
In this message, Zane looks at the example of the Apostle Paul in picking up sticks after a shipwreck. Passages discussed include: Acts 27:20-44, 28:1-6; Philippians 2:5-8, James 4:7, 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 and 2 Corinthians 5:10.
Nov 3, 2018
In Zane's last message to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship on the book of Acts, Zane examines salvation, the reception of eternal life, forgiveness, fellowship, justification, gift of the Holy Spirit and baptism. Passages discussed include: Acts 2:38, 10:43-48, 13:38, 48, and 22:16; John 20:30-31; 1 John 1:9 and 5:1; 1 Peter...
Nov 3, 2018
In this fifth message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the fifth panel of the book of Acts, the Lord Jesus glorified among the Gentiles, and the sixth panel of the book of Acts, focusing on Paul the man.
Nov 3, 2018
In this third message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the second panel of the book of Acts, the book of the three preachers, and the third panel of the book of Acts, the book of the three cities.