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Zane Hodges Library

Oct 10, 2019

Zane gives an overview of the book of Romans with a focus on Romans 10:9-10 regarding confession for salvation and answers questions from Victor Street Bible Chapel members. 

0:00:00 Overview of Romans
24:55 Questions & Answers on Romans 
41:30 Romans 10:9-10
51:50 More Questions & Answers on Romans 

24:57 What is God’s wrath?  Is God’s wrath, hell?  What does it mean to be delivered from wrath?

28:49 Does Romans 1:18-32 refer to unbelievers?  How are we delivered from the wrath of God?

31:30 Is emptiness also part of God’s wrath?

31:58 Is the depravity that we see in our country a form of divine judgment? Is there a social or political solution for human depravity?

33:55 Does Romans 1:18 refer to unsaved people, and how can they be delivered from God’s wrath?  Where was the book of Romans written?

38:39 Don’t some new believers change their behavior radically upon conversion?

52:30 Explain Romans 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified…” compared with Romans 2:13, “for not the hearers of the law just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified”.

1:01:19 Explain Romans 5:1.

1:03:41 Explain Romans 5:13. Where there is no law, there is no transgression, in what sense is that true?

1:05:30 In Romans 1:11, what is the spiritual gift that Paul is imparting?

1:07:28 Does Romans 7:9 refers to Paul’s days of innocence of the law and then later in Romans 7 does it refer to when Paul became aware of the law?

1:11:10 Is Romans 8:12-13 speaking of the same experience as Romans 7?

1:17:33 What baptism is referred to in Romans 6:3?

1:19:00 Does Romans 8:29-30 teach that God elects/selects those to be saved?