Apr 13, 2021
Tragically, there are born again Christians, that think of God as Someone Who will give them instant gratification. They think if they play the game right, then God will reward them lavishly here and now. Is there such thing as a big faith compared to a small faith? The issue in faith is not the size of faith. The issue in faith is whether it is there. Faith is having confidence in what God says. The Bible never contrasts big faith with little faith. Faith is always contrasted with unbelief. The needs and desires of the Master come ahead of the needs and desires of the slave. All that we do in Christian service is what we have been commanded to do and we are unprofitable servants. The life of faith is lived with the recognition, that God comes first, all the time throughout the entirety of our lives, and then He will reward us graciously. Other passages mentioned: John 6:47; John 11:25-27; Matthew 5:21.